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Estonia ready to close border with Russia, but there's no need yet

Estonia ready to close border with Russia, but there's no need yet Prime Minister of Estonia Kaja Kallas (Photo: wikimedia org)
Author: Daria Shekina

The Estonian government currently doesn't see significant arguments for closing the border with Russia but is ready to take such measures if necessary, reports Err.

On Thursday, November 23, members of the Estonian Cabinet of Ministers spoke about the situation on the eastern border and the recent attempt of illegal migration at the border crossing near Narva from the side of the Russian Federation.

As stated by Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, it was a hybrid attack from Russia. The head of the government emphasizes that if the influx of migrants intensifies and the situation escalates, Estonian borders will be closed.

She also adds that the current situation is stable and "under full control."

"The situation at the Russian-Estonian border is stable. In a week, the police deployed 30 foreigners from the Middle East and Africa who had no grounds for entry into Estonia. Currently, we are dealing with a low-intensity migration attack," said Kallas.

The Estonian Prime Minister points out that under normal circumstances, Russia does not allow people without necessary documents to cross its border. However, such activity is happening now.

"But this activity from the Russian Federation is not surprising at all - we were prepared for this and anticipated that they would use this weapon against us. We are closely monitoring the situation at the border, and we are prepared for an increase in the number of such people at the border. For this reason, we already have everything necessary at all border crossings to close them if necessary," she summarized.

According to Estonia's Minister of Internal Affairs Lauri Läänemets, the situation at the border is fully under control, and the country is prepared to close it, but "we will not do it just like that."

"Estonia is not so weak that we cannot handle a few dozen migrants at our border. If we close the border now, it will be a disproportionate measure. And we will rather show our weakness to our enemies, show our uncertainty to our partners, and besides, we can instill fear in our society. This is one of the goals of the Russians in orchestrating this hybrid attack," emphasized the head of the country's Ministry of Internal Affairs.


Earlier today, on November 23, Estonia accused Russian border guards of a hybrid attack using migrants.

The head of Estonia's Ministry of Internal Affairs, Läänemets, revealed that about 30 migrants, mostly from Somalia and Syria, attempted to enter Estonia from Russia through the Narva border crossing last Thursday. None of them requested asylum, and all were returned.

The Minister also mentioned that Estonia was prepared to close border crossings if the migration pressure from Russia increases.

Additionally, earlier this month, Estonia installed dragon's teeth on the bridge connecting the cities of Narva (Estonia) and Ivangorod (Russia).