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Estonia intends to restructure military aid to Ukraine: Details

Estonia intends to restructure military aid to Ukraine: Details Estonian Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Estonia intends to adjust the structure of its military aid to Ukraine, focusing on products made by Estonian companies. In 2023, Estonia provided Ukraine with aid totaling approximately €100 million, which amounts to 0.25% of the country's GDP, citing ERR.

In the coming years, Estonia’s support for Ukraine will continue, but the focus will shift towards locally produced goods.

According to Estonian Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur, the country has already begun discussions with Ukraine regarding its priorities, aiming to tailor Estonian products to meet Ukraine's needs.

The Estonian defense industry is capable of producing a wide range of goods valued at over €100 million annually, including drones, demining and surveillance systems, military boats, and anti-drone rifles.

The minister said that Estonian military products supplied to Ukraine have been highly praised and remain in high demand. Among the successful deliveries are drones, military boats, and anti-drone rifles. Once Ukraine’s priorities are agreed upon, Estonia plans to organize tenders for its defense companies.

Estonian support for Ukraine

Estonia continues to provide comprehensive support to Ukraine in its resistance against Russian aggression. Alongside humanitarian, military, and financial aid, Tallinn has welcomed Ukrainian refugees and actively advocates for Ukraine on the international stage.

In June, Ukraine and Estonia signed a security guarantee agreement.

Additionally, Estonia's ambassador to Ukraine, Annely Kolk, expressed the country’s willingness to consider the possibility of sending its military personnel to Ukraine.