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ECHR considers case of Ukraine and the Netherlands against Russia

ECHR considers case of Ukraine and the Netherlands against Russia Illustrative photo (Getty Images)

On June 12, 2024, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) held a hearing on the joint case of Ukraine and the Netherlands against Russia. Representatives of the defendant state did not appear at the hearing, but both plaintiffs were present, according to ECHR judge Mykola Hnatovskyi from Ukraine.

“They (representatives of Ukraine and the Netherlands - ed.) presented their demands and answered the judges' questions. Representatives from 26 other member states of the Council of Europe, who joined this case as third parties, were also present and discussed relevant legal positions with the court, answered questions, and made statements. There was a common position from 26 states,” he says.

According to Hnatovskyi, representatives of the United Kingdom and Poland prepared separate speeches.

“The judges began discussions. As they say in Ukrainian courts, they went into a deliberative room. That is, discussions about what the decision in this case should be regarding the merits are ongoing,” he says.

The ECHR judge notes that there is still a lot of work to be done, as the amount of evidence and legal issues is significant. However, he expressed hope that the decision would be made as soon as possible.

“I would like to be optimistic and think that the court can make this decision relatively promptly. It will consist of hundreds and hundreds of pages; it will truly be a decision that holds not just legal but, I would say, historical weight,” he emphasizes.

Earlier, the ECHR merged the cases of Ukraine and the Netherlands v. Russia and Ukraine v. Russia (X) regarding full-scale invasion into one large proceeding.