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Earth to experience strong magnetic storm in coming days

Earth to experience strong magnetic storm in coming days In the coming days, the Earth will be hit by a strong magnetic storm (Collage RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daria Shekina

A red-level magnetic storm will hit Earth on Friday, November 24. According to experts' forecasts, this storm will reach a K-index of 5, which may cause headaches and worsen well-being for many individuals.

RBC-Ukraine reports on what is known about this magnetic storm and how to protect oneself, based on Meteoagent's data.

What is a magnetic storm?

Solar flares and explosions frequently occur on the Sun, resulting in the release of solar energy into space. These emissions scatter in various directions, including toward Earth. Solar energy consists of charged particles - protons and electrons - that can rapidly move through space.

When these energy flows reach Earth's magnetosphere, they trigger activity known as a magnetic or solar storm.

All storms are classified by their power level, ranging from K-index 2 to K-index 9. The higher the K-index, the stronger the storm and its consequences. All storms above a K-index of 5 are classified as red-level storms. They can cause disruptions in satellite operations, GPRS, mobile, or radio communication. Additionally, during storms above a K-index of 7, polar (northern) lights may be observed.

What's known about the upcoming storm

According to data from satellite systems NOAA, TESIS, and international meteorological laboratories worldwide, the preceding storm has gained strength and reached a K-index of 5. It will weaken on November 23rd but will become a red-level storm again on November 24th, reaching a K-index of 5.

Following November 24th, if the forecasts do not change, a small break can be expected, and the magnetosphere will be calm.

Earth to experience strong magnetic storm in coming days

Forecast of magnetic storms (screenshot)

How magnetic storms affect humans

There is sufficient research proving a correlation between people's deteriorating well-being and magnetic storms. On such days, individuals often experience general discomfort, complain of feeling unwell, and seek medical help, particularly from cardiologists.

Common complaints include:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Brain fog
  • Migraines
  • Reduced concentration and focus
  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Insomnia at night
  • General weakness
  • Quick fatigue Increased anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Exacerbation of chronic illnesses

However, the greatest danger from magnetic storms is to astronauts who are beyond the protective shield of Earth's atmosphere. They are at risk of exposure to very high levels of radiation, significantly increasing the likelihood of cancer.

How to help your body

Doctors recommend resting more during magnetic storm days, adhering to a normal daily schedule and diet.


  • Get sufficient sleep and rest
  • Reduce psycho-emotional stress
  • Maintain proper hydration, drink herbal teas Limit alcohol and cigarettes
  • Take walks in fresh air
  • Exercise in the morning and take a contrast shower
  • Ventilate rooms
  • Engage in calm activities in the evening
  • Opt for more tranquil types of sports
  • If necessary or if your condition worsens, seek help from specialists.

Earlier, we discussed the common types of headaches experienced by Ukrainians.

We also wrote about whether it's advisable to drink tea and coffee when you have a cold.