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Duda faces trial over offensive remarks about Poles

Duda faces trial over offensive remarks about Poles Photo: President of Poland Andrzej Duda (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Polish President Andrzej Duda will stand trial due to an unfortunate remark about Poles. The court hearing is scheduled for 2025, according to Fakt.

The case concerns Duda's comments about the viewers of Agnieszka Holland's film "Green Border." The film tells the story of refugees from the Middle East and Africa attempting to enter the EU through the border between Belarus and Poland. Director Agnieszka Holland depicted how Belarusian propaganda lures migrants to the border for an allegedly easy crossing into the EU.

While commenting on the film, the Polish president made an unfortunate remark about the film's viewers, supposedly calling them pigs.

"The fact that Ms. Holland portrays Polish officials, who are performing their duties for Polish society, for the safety of all of us and the security of Poland, I am not surprised that the Border Guard officers who watched this film used the slogan 'Only pigs sit in the cinema,'" Duda said.

Duda later clarified that these were not his words but a quote. He also referenced the "law on quotations."

The Centre for Monitoring Racist and Xenophobic Behavior believes that Duda has offended the citizens of his own country. According to the organization, the first hearing in the case against the Polish president will take place on October 24, 2025, in Warsaw.

Lawyers commented to a Polish publication that this will be a trial without precedent in history. The verdict in the case could be an apology, compensation, or damages. The court may also require Duda to publish an apology in the media.

Poland-Belarus conflict

It is worth noting that the conflict between the two countries has been ongoing for several years and intensified during the migration crisis when Belarus directed illegal migrants to the Polish border.

The conflict between Poland and Belarus escalated further during Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, as Minsk supported Moscow.

Poland is strengthening its border with Belarus and has announced the construction of modern fortifications. Additionally, the Baltic countries and Poland have proposed to the EU the construction of a defense line along the border with Russia and Belarus.