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Drones attack factories in Lipetsk, explosions reported in Voronezh region of Russia

Drones attack factories in Lipetsk, explosions reported in Voronezh region of Russia Illustrative photo (getty images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Residents of the Russian city of Lipetsk reported a drone attack on a tractor plant and the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant. Residents of the Voronezh region also reported explosions, according to the Russian Telegram channel ASTRA.

"Residents of Lipetsk reported explosions and smoke over the tractor plant," the channel writes, publishing the relevant screenshots.

The governor introduced an air danger regime in the region due to the threat of a UAV attack.

Air raid in Lipetsk

Later, the governor said that one UAV was suppressed over Lipetsk and another over the industrial territory of Lipetsk. According to him, special services are working at the crash site. There were no casualties.

Later, the governor of the Lipetsk region said that two more UAVs were suppressed over the industrial territory of Lipetsk.

According to the governor of Voronezh region, two airplane-type UAVs were destroyed at night in the region. According to his preliminary data, there were allegedly no casualties or damage.

On the evening of June 16, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported the destruction of a Ukrainian drone over the territory of the Krasnodar region. At the same time, the power went out in Rostov after the explosions.