ua en ru

Drone attack on Russian port Kavkaz: Conro Trader ferry likely hit

Drone attack on Russian port Kavkaz: Conro Trader ferry likely hit Photo: drone attack on a ferry ship in the port of Kavkaz on July 23 (illustrative photo by roszm)

In the Krasnodar region, drones today, July 23, attacked a ferry vessel in the Kavkaz port. During the strike, the railway ferry Conro Trader was likely hit, according to Defense Express.

Among the crew members of the ferry and the port employees who were attacked by the UAV today, there is one dead and five wounded.

Two railway ferries were struck at the end of May, as confirmed by the General Staff report, photos from residents, and satellite images. The only two railway ferries operating on the Kerch Strait crossing were Conro Trader and Avangard.

On June 21, Russia reported that it had eliminated the consequences of the Ukrainian attack on the Avangard ferry. The ferry suffered a hole in the engine room and lost its buoyancy. The report states that it took three weeks to prepare it for towing to the Kerch shipyard.

"This raises the question to some extent whether this was an anti-ship missile strike," the report says.

The agency noted that the only possible candidate if we are talking about hitting a railway ferry remains Conro Trader.

"At the same time, it is not excluded that the strike's target was one of the five automobile ferries: large Lavrenty, Panagia, Maria, and smaller ones - Kerchensky-2, Yeysk," the report notes.

Drone attacks on Russian territory

Recall that drones attacked a ferry vessel in the Krasnodar region in the Kavkaz port. It was reported that there were fatalities among the crew members.

It was also reported today about a possible drone attack on Sevastopol, Kerch, and Dzhankoy. Explosions were heard there.

About 5 explosions were heard from the local oil depot in the Russian city of Tuapse the day before.