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Drone attack on Russia's Tuapse: Analysts explain strikes uniqueness

Drone attack on Russia's Tuapse: Analysts explain strikes uniqueness Photo: Drone attack on Russia on the night of May 17 (illustrative photo by GettyImages)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Today, the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, together with the Security Service of Ukraine, carried out a series of drone strikes on strategic targets in Russia. Analysts say that the strike on the Tuapse oil refinery was indicative and shows that the Russians have no air defense, according to Defense Express.

Ukrainian special services struck some facilities in Russia. In particular, the Lutyi drones repeatedly struck the oil refinery in Tuapse.

According to analysts, the video from the scene shows how the drone attack on this important facility with a passport refining capacity of 9 million tons of oil per year (ranked 12th in Russia) is being repelled by a rifle, whose single shots can be heard.

"That is, this facility, and the city along with it, is not covered by air defense systems at all," the report says.

The situation is similar in other regions of the Russian Federation, including Novorossiysk.

"In some of the videos from Novorossiysk, no air defense systems are seen operating, and drones are quietly hitting their targets. Only a few of them show drones trying to shoot down machine guns and other small arms to no avail," the analysts say.

The same situation with Sevastopol and its port, which is the base of the Russian Black Sea Fleet and should be covered by fairly powerful air defense systems.

"But all that is available is small arms, which directly indicates a general void in the air defense means in the rear areas of the Russian Federation," the statement says.

Last night, more than a hundred Security Service of Ukraine and Defense Intelligence of Ukraine drones attacked the Russian targets in Sevastopol, Tuapse, and Novorossiysk. These targets include a seaport, a refinery, an oil terminal, and an electricity substation.