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Drama in their relationships is inevitable: Three astrological couples named

Drama in their relationships is inevitable: Three astrological couples named Zodiac signs that experience drama in relationships (collage: RBC-Ukraine)

Certain zodiac signs have a complex nature, which can lead to discomfort in their relationships with partners. Such situations require solutions and compromises.

Collective World discusses astrological pairs that often encounter drama in their relationships.

Aries and Cancer

Adventurous, bold, and outspoken, Aries is ruled by Mars, which can make them a bit aggressive and passionately demonstrate their leadership. Cancer, on the other hand, is a caring and peaceful sign, representing a complete contrast to Aries.

This pair often finds themselves at a considerable distance from one another, making their relationship a constant effort from both sides. Aries’ communication style may appear blunt and brash, while Cancer perceives it as sensitive and frivolous, occasionally leading to drama in their relationship.

Gemini and Scorpio

Gemini is ruled by Mercury and are extroverts who love communication. Scorpio, their opposite, is ruled by Pluto and is somewhat mysterious, intense, and reserved. Scorpio can feel jealous when Gemini actively interacts with others or pays more attention to someone else.

Scorpio pays close attention to detail and desires deep conversations with those willing to engage. This pairing inevitably faces clashes between their two personality types. Gemini may feel restricted, while Scorpios might get hurt due to jealousy.

Sagittarius and Taurus

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, granting them a sense of adventure and a deep need for travel. In contrast, Taurus is a stable sign that dislikes change. As Sagittarius seeks adventure and constant movement, Taurus may find this unpredictable and hard to understand.

In such moments, Taurus may experience feelings of possessiveness, which is the last thing Sagittarius wants—to be someone’s obsession or to feel controlled.