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Draft boards inspections in Ukraine reveals 'numerous abuses' of power - Zelenskyy claims

Draft boards inspections in Ukraine reveals 'numerous abuses' of power - Zelenskyy claims President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Photo: Vitalii Nosach- RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daria Shekina

During the inspection of Ukrainian territorial centers for recruitment and social support, law enforcement officers uncover numerous abuses, according to the evening statement of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

"Today, reports were received from the head of the Security Service of Ukraine, Vasyl Maliuk, and the Minister of Internal Affairs, Ihor Klymenko. One of the issues discussed was the inspection of draft boards. We had a detailed discussion. The inspection reveals numerous abuses, some of which are openly disgusting," said the President of Ukraine.

According to him, all the facts uncovered by law enforcement will be presented to the public and investigated within the framework of criminal proceedings.

He emphasized that conducting such inspections is obvious - the conscription system requires people who understand the value of protecting Ukraine.

"In the draft boards, there should be people who have seen the war, experienced it. There are those who, unfortunately, lost limbs, but did not lose their honor and did not lose Ukraine. I thank them," added Zelenskyy.

Scandals with draft boards

In recent weeks, Ukraine has been shaken by resonant scandals involving the heads of territorial centers for conscription and social support.

Particularly, the military commissariat in the Odesa region was found to possess expensive properties in Spain, as well as luxury cars.

Moreover, authorities recently discovered that a military commissar in the Dnipro region may have engaged in illegal enrichment, and valuable assets were also found in their possession.