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DPRK sends one of its most secretive special forces to Russia - The Telegraph

DPRK sends one of its most secretive special forces to Russia - The Telegraph North Korean military (photo: Getty Images)

North Korea has deployed its Special Forces to Russia. It is one of the most secretive units in the world, reports The Telegraph.

According to journalists, the DPRK uses these forces to reconnoiter and test South Korea's defense capabilities. The Special Forces were founded around 1968 and are best known for a failed attempt to attack the Blue House (the residence of the South Korean president).

In addition, a 2021 report by the US Department of Defense states that North Korea's Special Operations Forces (SOF) are highly trained, motivated, and equipped with modern equipment. It also says that their special forces are one of the most secretive units in the world.

Yesterday, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner called on US President Joe Biden to recognize the use of DPRK troops in the war against Ukraine as a “red line” for America and NATO.