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Donbas, Kursk operation and weapons: Army chief reports Zelenskyy about front situation

Donbas, Kursk operation and weapons: Army chief reports Zelenskyy about front situation Photo: Oleksandr Syrskyi and Volodymyr Zelenskyy (president gov ua)

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleksandr Syrskyi, briefed President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on the situation at the front. He also provided updates on the Defense Forces' operation in the Kursk region, according to Zelenskyy's Telegram channel.

The first topic of the briefing was the situation in Donbas, specifically in the Toretsk and Pokrovsk directions. The president noted that Ukrainian soldiers and units are doing everything possible to destroy the occupiers and repel dozens of Russian assaults daily.

The second topic was the Kursk operation. Syrskyi reported on the strengthening of Ukrainian forces' positions in the Kursk region and the expansion of stabilized territory.

"As of this morning, there is an increase in the exchange fund for our country. I thank all the soldiers and commanders who are capturing Russian soldiers, bringing us closer to freeing our warriors and civilians held by Russia," Zelenskyy said.

Syrskyi and Zelenskyy also discussed the supply of weapons. Efforts are ongoing to secure new support packages for the country from partners, with priority areas being identified.

"The main focus is on limiting Russia's offensive potential and extending our long-range capabilities. We are preparing the necessary instructions for Ukrainian diplomats," the president emphasized.

What is happening in the Kursk region

On August 6, Russians claimed a border breach in the Kursk region. For nearly two weeks, fighting has been ongoing in Russia's border areas.

During the first week of the operation, Ukrainian leadership did not comment on the events in the Kursk region. Later, Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi confirmed that it is an offensive operation by Ukraine's Defense Forces.

According to the latest reports, Ukraine controls more than 80 settlements in the Kursk region. A military commandant's office and buffer zone have also been established. Ukraine is discussing the possibility of creating a humanitarian corridor for civilian evacuation.

For more details on why Ukraine established its first commandant's office in the Kursk region, see our report.