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Doctor reveals how to quit smoking for good

Doctor reveals how to quit smoking for good Photo: How to quit smoking fo good (

Want to quit smoking? A doctor, Mike Litrel, shared his thoughts on his TikTok channel on what can change the situation for those trying to quit this habit, no matter how long they've been smoking.

How to quit smoking

The expert shared a simple strategy that will help smokers quit the habit before the New Year.

Dr Mike Littrel turned to TikTok to share his advice, acknowledging that although everyone "knows smoking is harmful to you," quitting smoking or reducing the number of cigarettes can be a difficult task.

Littrel suggests that those who have been smoking for a long time may find it harder to quit. However, these individuals can benefit from a method of gradually reducing the number of cigarettes.

The doctor recommends cutting down the number of cigarettes smoked each day. For example, if you smoke 15 cigarettes a day, try to reduce that number to 14 the next day.

Littrel adds that while quitting smoking entirely is the best solution, it's not always possible, as some people "love smoking so much that they don't want to quit completely."

The doctor often advises his patients to smoke only three cigarettes a day. But this applies to those who just cannot quit smoking altogether.

Experts recommend setting a "quit date" for those trying to quit smoking in this way.

"Try to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke every day, every week, and two weeks before your quit date," they advise.

@mikelitrelmd how do you stop smoking? gradual reduction over time works well for most. #stopsmoking #health #smoking #doctor #Dr #lifestyle original sound - Mike Litrel, MD

Earlier, we wrote that scientists identified the most harmful type of alcohol that causes weight gain.

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