Doctor names main danger of beards during kissing

Be cautious when physically contacting bearded men, especially if you know nothing about their hygiene routine. This is because you might risk contracting the skin infection impetigo, The Mirror reports.
What is impetigo?
Impetigo is a fairly common condition that can cause itchy blisters and sores around infected areas. It can be transmitted unknowingly by kissing someone with a beard.
Dr. Mejer, who has a beard himself, explained that beards can be a common cause of this condition. The reason lies in the tiny hairs in the beard, which can create small openings in the skin that allow bacteria to enter, especially if the man neglects beard hygiene.
However, impetigo can resemble other skin conditions, such as cold sores, eczema, and shingles. This makes it sometimes difficult to spot and treat.
Beard care
All men with beards should thoroughly clean them two to three times a week using a high-quality beard shampoo.
The expert added that if a specialized beard shampoo is unavailable, regular hair shampoo can be just as effective.
"When kissing, bacteria from an unclean beard can easily transfer to a partner's skin. This transfer of bacteria can lead to various skin infections. To prevent these health risks, regular washing and proper grooming of the beard are essential. Using a mild soap or specialized beard shampoos can help remove trapped particles and reduce bacterial build-up," the specialist added.
Regular trimming and combing can prevent tangles and ensure the beard remains clean and healthy. Maintaining overall facial hygiene, including washing the face and hands regularly, is also crucial.
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