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Doctor explains how food can provoke onset of acne and psoriasis

Doctor explains how food can provoke onset of acne and psoriasis What skin problems can arise from improper nutrition (photo: Freepik)

In today's world, healthy skin results from meticulous care and a healthy diet. Some foods can lead to severe skin diseases or cause flare-ups, according to gastroenterologist Yevhenia Belinska.


When dairy products, carbohydrates, and red meat are broken down, the amino acid leucine can be formed.

Leucine and sugar, in turn, can affect insulin production and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which can reach androgen receptors throughout the body, including the skin.

This leads to increased production of sebum, its accumulation in the skin pores, and, as a result, the formation of inflammatory elements and an increase in the number of Cutibacterium acnes bacteria that cause acne.

The doctor explained that when milk producers remove fat, they often add whey protein to restore some nutrients.

Whey protein can increase acne because it contains the amino acid leucine. Therefore, skim milk is more likely to worsen the skin's condition than whole milk.


It is important to know that obesity can be a factor in exacerbating psoriasis.

Alcohol can reduce the response to treatment and is associated with a more severe course of the disease.

No diet can cure psoriasis, but in many ways eating healthy can reduce the severity of symptoms.

In particular, adhering to a Mediterranean-type diet is associated with less severe psoriasis.

Atopic dermatitis

The diet for adults with this condition is based on a well-constructed nutrition program that helps prevent relapses.

To reduce the likelihood of atopic dermatitis flare-ups, consider the following dietary recommendations:

  • the diet should be rich in vegetables and fruits
  • sugar intake should be minimized
  • salt consumption should be controlled
  • alcohol and coffee should be completely excluded from the diet
  • it is advisable to avoid highly allergenic foods
  • drink at least 2 liters of pure water daily.


Sunlight, alcohol, chocolate, spicy foods, and caffeine can cause facial redness, swelling, burning, and inflammatory reactions in people with rosacea.

These foods activate skin receptors and sensory neurons, which can release neuropeptides that act on mast cells in the blood, leading to flare-ups.

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