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Dietitian named tea that can reduce the risk of developing cancer

Dietitian named tea that can reduce the risk of developing cancer Which tea reduces the risk of developing cancer (photo: Freepik)

Numerous scientific studies indicate that green tea may reduce the risk of developing colorectal and bowel cancer. However, this matter requires further investigation as medical findings vary, according to dietitian Oleh Shvets.

How does green tea affect the risks of developing cancer

Colorectal cancer ranks as the third most diagnosed cancer worldwide, constituting approximately 10% of all new cancer cases, according to data from the Global Cancer Observatory of the World Health Organization in 2020. It is also a prevalent cause of cancer-related deaths globally, second only to lung cancer.

"In Ukraine, colorectal cancer in men collectively ranks second after prostate cancer in the structure of oncological morbidity. This cancer also holds the fourth position in women, following breast cancer, uterine cancer, and non-melanoma skin malignancies," explains the doctor.

Green tea contains a high level of polyphenols, known as catechins. The primary catechin in green tea, believed to provide protective action against cancer, is epigallocatechin-3 gallate (EGCG). Some studies have shown that EGCG inhibits or prevents colorectal cancer.

"EGCG is present in higher amounts in green tea compared to black or oolong tea, as green tea is made from unfermented, unoxidized tea leaves," says Shvets.

What do scientific research studies show

The doctor emphasizes that the evidence linking green tea to a lower risk of colorectal cancer cannot be considered conclusive. Some studies have not identified a reduced risk, while others suggest a potential benefit, indicating an association between green tea and a lower risk of colorectal cancer.

"The relationship between green tea consumption and the risk of colorectal cancer was investigated in three randomized controlled trials. According to their results, green tea consumption does not statistically significantly reduce the risk of colorectal cancer," notes the doctor.

He adds that it is entirely possible that there is still insufficient evidence from randomized controlled trials to prove that green tea has a protective effect.

American scientists also examined data from 10 cohort studies and 15 case-control prospective studies, including 198,488 cases of cancer and 581,556 controls. The results suggest a decreased tendency to develop colorectal cancer with green tea consumption.

"The potential benefit of green tea in reducing the risk of colorectal cancer was noted in Asian cases but did not reach statistical significance in European or American studies. Currently, the role of green tea consumption in reducing the risk of colorectal cancer is insufficiently established and requires further research," says the dietitian.

At the same time, numerous other beneficial effects of green tea consumption have been scientifically confirmed.

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