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Diet or exercise: What is more effective for weight loss?

Diet or exercise: What is more effective for weight loss? Diet or exercise can help you lose weight quickly (photo: Freepik)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Many people wonder what is the key factor for weight loss: diet or exercise. One of them plays a crucial role in shedding extra pounds, according Eat This, Not That! website.

Which has a bigger impact on weight loss?

A solid balance between a healthy diet and regular exercise is important when trying to lose weight.

According to sports nutrition specialist Amy Goodson, weight loss essentially comes down to creating a calorie deficit. While exercise helps burn calories and improve overall health, it can be difficult to resist unhealthy food after an exhausting workout.

Changes in diet directly control calorie intake, making it easier to maintain a consistent deficit.

Studies have shown that diet contributes significantly more to weight loss than exercise, while physical activity is key for maintaining weight loss and overall fitness.

Many people believe that exercise leads to weight loss but overlook the number of calories consumed.

Common myths

You can lose fat with specific exercises

This is a common myth because fat loss happens across the entire body and cannot be targeted to a specific area.

As long as you're exercising, you can eat whatever you want

Unfortunately, weight loss requires cutting out certain foods from your diet, especially those high in sugar. Exercise is important, but watching what and how much you eat is equally vital.

People may think that as long as they're working out, they can eat anything they want, which can hinder weight loss progress.

How to balance diet and exercise

To achieve successful weight loss, focus on dietary changes that create a calorie deficit. This includes portion control, consuming nutritious foods, and limiting processed foods and added sugars.

Physical activity should still be included as it helps maintain muscle mass, boosts metabolism, and supports long-term weight maintenance.

A balanced approach can include regular strength training and prioritizing a healthy, sustainable diet that provides essential nutrients without excess calories.

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