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Dermatologist identifies condition that causes bald patches

Dermatologist identifies condition that causes bald patches Why hair falls out suddenly and what condition may occur (photo: Freepik)

Severe hair loss can be a sign of a serious condition known as alopecia areata, where hair loss occurs in patches. This condition can lead to noticeable bald spots and involves sudden and significant hair shedding, according to Ukrainian dermatologist Kateryna Babiko.

Cause of occurrence

The cause of alopecia areata is autoimmune, where the body mistakenly attacks its cells, targeting hair follicles and causing hair loss. The exact mechanism behind this condition is not fully understood. It is not caused by parasites, vitamin deficiencies, or liver dysfunction.

Alopecia areata itself is not dangerous and does not pose a risk to life or health. It is painless, and the skin in the affected areas remains normal. However, the presence of bald spots and hair loss can lead to significant psychological discomfort and even depression.

Children may face bullying at school, and individuals may encounter difficulties in job interviews due to their appearance. As a result, this condition can cause profound psychological distress.

Treatment methods

Researchers are working on finding the detailed cause. A doctor may suggest undergoing tests for two reasons:

  • screening for associated autoimmune diseases. If one autoimmune disease is present, there could be others. Therefore, if there are additional symptoms, the doctor may order a general blood test, glucose levels, and thyroid hormone levels;
  • monitoring treatment. If potent internal medications are required, the doctor may prescribe tests to monitor the treatment's effectiveness and potential side effects.

Unfortunately, there is no way to cure alopecia areata once and for all, so it may return.

Often, new hair that grows back has a slightly different texture and color. The doctor may also inject medication into the skin where hair has fallen out. This procedure is done every 4-6 weeks and is painful, so it is rarely used for children.

What is the prognosis

Sometimes, alopecia areata occurs only once in a lifetime. Most people notice a recurrence of the disease within 5 years.

The doctor noted that no one can predict in advance how the disease will progress in a person. Often, minor cases of alopecia areata resolve on their own within a year.

Moreover, shampoos neither cause nor treat hair loss associated with alopecia areata.

What to avoid

You should not take hair vitamins, as they have no relation to treatment. Various supplements, hair growth stimulants, placenta treatments, pepper tinctures, aloe injections, and mesotherapy are ineffective and may even cause harm.

Alopecia areata often requires consultation with a psychiatrist, child psychologist, and psychotherapist due to the significant impact it has on mental health.

Areas of hair loss can be covered with wigs, headwear, hair dye, or eyebrow tattoos.

"Never mock people who are bald. Teach your children to respect others," the message states.

Earlier, we reported on how to wash your hair for maximum benefit.

We also wrote about whether it's really necessary to change your shampoo for the summer.

This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical diagnosis or self-treatment. Our goal is to provide readers with accurate information about symptoms, causes, and methods of detecting diseases. RBС-Ukraine is not responsible for any diagnoses that readers may make based on materials from the resource. We do not recommend self-treatment and advise consulting a doctor in case of any health concerns.