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Cow milk or plant milk: Nutritionist on what is more beneficial

Cow milk or plant milk: Nutritionist on what is more beneficial Illustrative photo (Freepik)
Author: Maria Kholina

Many people prefer plant-based milk over cow's milk these days. Nutritionist Nataliia Samoilenko has explained whether plant-based milk is healthier than traditional milk.

Which milk to choose?

According to the expert, to make your diet healthier and safer, it's important to choose beneficial milk.

"Plant-based milk is hard to call milk. It's more of a plant-based substitute, and such alternative milk can come from nuts. A wide range of these can be found in supermarkets, such as grain-based milk," the message reads.

For example, there is buckwheat milk and oat milk, but it’s still better to drink coffee without any milk.

When it comes to cow's milk, it has a rather high insulin index, meaning it stimulates insulin spikes, which is dangerous for people with type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, or other metabolic disorders.

The nutritionist said that drinks with milk can hinder weight loss.

Moreover, if the milk is an alternative plant-based option, consider that you may consume an excessive amount of carbohydrates, especially if sugar is added to the ingredients.

Therefore, if you choose alternative milk, it’s essential to check the ingredients and opt for sugar-free varieties. Coconut milk is a safer alternative.

Why do people reject cow's milk?

Lactose - (milk sugar), the full or partial intolerance of which is observed in the majority of people.

Casein - (beta-casein A1) - this is increasingly identified by scientists and doctors as the real cause of milk intolerance. Casein breaks down in the gastrointestinal tract, releasing the peptide beta-casomorphin-7 (BCM7), which has opioid properties and can cause inflammatory processes in the body. However, recent studies have shown that casein can reduce blood pressure.

Cholesterol - creates plaques in the blood vessels, blocking blood flow, and can lead to strokes and heart attacks.

When choosing a plant-based alternative to cow's milk, it’s important to read product labels and select those with added calcium and vitamin D in sufficient quantities. Additionally, try to include other sources of calcium and vitamin D in your diet.

Plant-based milk typically does not provide the required amounts of certain nutrients (primarily protein, calcium, and vitamin B12) since its content is not equivalent to that of cow's milk.