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Counteroffensive in the south: Russians target civilians, Ukrainian troops advance towards Melitopol

Counteroffensive in the south: Russians target civilians, Ukrainian troops advance towards Melitopol Counteroffensive in the south: Russians target civilians, Ukrainian troops advance towards Melitopol (Getty Images)

Ukrainian military continues offensive operations in the Melitopol direction, while Russian occupying forces are shelling civilian settlements along the front line in the Tavriisk direction, according to the Joint Press Center of the Defense Forces of the Tavriisk direction.

Ukrainian Armed Forces units in the Zaporizhzhia region have achieved local successes. In the Novodanylivka - Novoprokopivka and Mala Tokmachka - Ocheretuvate directions, they are gaining a foothold on the reached frontlines.

Over the past day, aggressors in the Tavriisk direction carried out 20 airstrikes and shelled civilian settlements and Ukrainian troops' positions with tanks, multiple launch rocket systems, and small arms fire 683 times.

  • Avdiivka direction. The enemy conducted unsuccessful offensive actions on the south of Avdiivka, and 10 civilian settlements were hit by enemy fire.
  • Maryinka direction. Ukrainian Armed Forces are holding off enemy advances in the Maryinka and Novomykhailivka areas of the Donetsk region.
  • Shakhtarsk direction. More than 10 settlements were affected by enemy artillery shelling, and the occupiers carried out air strikes in the Blahodatne and Staromaiorske areas.
  • Zaporizhzhia direction. The enemy conducted unsuccessful offensive operations in the Levadne, Mala Tokmachka, Robotyne, and Orikhove areas. Over 20 settlements were affected by artillery shelling.

According to information from the Ukrainian forces, the Russians are preparing to hold so-called "elections" in the occupied territories on September 10. The "voting" will be in a mixed format, so occupiers plan to visit homes. Additionally, Ukrainians in the occupation are being forced into getting Russian passports.

"In order to increase pressure on the local population in the temporarily occupied part of the Zaporizhzhia region, the number of Chechen terrorists is increasing, and they are behaving very aggressively and brutally punishing the local population for violations of the curfew," the report says.

Rocket troops and artillery units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces carried out 1,327 fire missions in a day. Enemy losses amounted to 273 individuals (irreversible - 109, wounded - 160, captured - 4). Additionally, 23 units of enemy equipment and three ammunition depots were destroyed.

Russian army losses

Since the beginning of the occupation, the Russian Ministry of Defense has concealed the true losses of its army. The losses of enemy military formations, including the Wagner Private Military Company, are also unknown.

At the same time, Russian opposition journalists were able to confirm a list of several thousand Russians who died in the war against Ukraine.

According to the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Russia has lost tens of thousands of equipment and more than 259,000 soldiers in the war against Ukraine. Over the past day, the Ukrainian Armed Forces eliminated another 470 occupiers.