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Could destroyed Novocherkassk ship carry Russian Shaheds: Expert's opinion

Could destroyed Novocherkassk ship carry Russian Shaheds: Expert's opinion Whether the Russian Novocherkassk was transporting Iranian Shahids (Photo: rosmedia)

Information has surfaced online suggesting that the destroyed Russian ship Novocherkassk was transporting Shahed drones, although Air Force spokesperson Yurii Ihnat did not confirm this version, RBC-Ukraine reported on this in the article.

After the destruction of the Russian Novocherkassk, the Telegram channel Crimean Wind reported that it was transporting Iranian Shahed combat drones.
In turn, the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security confirmed that the ship was transporting drones used by Russia to strike Ukraine.
However, Ihnat neither confirmed nor denied this version. According to him, the one who possesses such information should announce it.

At the same time, Ihnat acknowledged that the massive detonation indicates the presence of a powerful ammunition load. He added that the Armed Forces of Ukraine planned the operation in collaboration with other structures.

Meanwhile, military-naval expert and Defense Express observer Volodymyr Zablotskyi believes that intelligence detected the moment when the landing ship arrived in Feodosia loaded with ammunition, and the Air Force "caught" it, hitting it with at least one missile directly on the ship.

"They eradicated it: the cargo exploded, the fuel exploded, and everything along with the crew exploded. As for the Shaheds, why not? If landing ships carry ammunition, and Shaheds are launched from Cape Tarkhankut, it is possible," he told RBC-Ukraine.

On the night of December 26, a large Russian landing ship, Novocherkassk, was destroyed in the occupied Feodosia.

Commander of the Air Force Mykola Oleshchuk confirmed the impact on the landing ship with cruise missiles, and the internet was flooded with footage of a powerful explosion on board.

RBC-Ukraine compiled all the information about the destruction of the Russian ship in its article.