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Comprehensive support and more: France's commitments to Ukraine in security agreement

Comprehensive support and more: France's commitments to Ukraine in security agreement President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy and President of France Emmanuel Macron (Photo:
Author: Daria Shekina

Today, on February 16, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, together with French President Emmanuel Macron, signed an agreement on security cooperation between Ukraine and France, according to the website of the President of Ukraine.

Today, on February 16, Ukraine and France, by signing the agreement, reaffirmed their solidarity in the face of armed aggression from the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Through this agreement, Ukraine and France will deepen their cooperation and partnership based on their common interests in upholding international law, peace, fundamental freedoms and human rights.

The main components of the long-term security commitments made by France to Ukraine within this agreement include:

  • provision of comprehensive assistance to Ukraine for the protection and the restoration of its territorial integrity within its internationally recognised borders, as well as economic recovery and reconstruction;
  • prevention and active deterrence of, and counter-measures against, a new aggression by the Russian Federation;
  • support for Ukraine's integration into European and Euro-Atlantic institutions, including by supporting Ukraine's accession to the EU and interoperability with NATO.

Security cooperation

France will provide military and civilian assistance to enable Ukraine to defend its sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity from aggression by the Russian Federation.

Additionally, the agreement includes cooperation in the following areas:

  • Strategic communication and combating foreign interference and information manipulation;
  • cybersecurity;
  • protection of critical infrastructure;
  • intelligence and counterintelligence;
  • combating dangerous organized crime.

Cooperation in case of future armed attack

In the event of a future Russian armed attack, at the request of one of the parties to the agreement, consultations will be held within 24 hours to determine the measures necessary to counter or contain the aggression.

Under such circumstances and in accordance with its commitments, France will provide Ukraine with:

  • Swift and sustained security assistance,
  • modern military equipment across all domains as needed, and economic assistance.

France will also impose costs on Russia, including economic costs, and consult with Ukraine regarding its needs to exercise its right to self-defense.

Military and defense industry cooperation

The parties to the agreement, together with other partners of Ukraine, will work to ensure the ability of Ukrainian Security and Defense Forces to fully restore Ukraine's territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders since 1991, as well as enhance Ukraine's resilience to be sufficient for deterring and defending against future attacks.

Specifically, in 2024, France will provide up to 3 billion euros in additional assistance.

Overall, France will continue to support Ukraine for ten years during the implementation of this agreement.

Additionally, the countries will work together to strengthen the protection of transferred technologies and intellectual property rights.

Furthermore, France will collaborate with its defense industry and Ukraine to strengthen the supply chain of critical materials necessary for the production of ammunition and other priority weapons.

Civil cooperation

The security agreement envisages that France will seek to continue the long-term support provided to Ukraine, particularly in the areas of:

  • transportation,
  • energy,
  • agriculture,
  • water supply,
  • humanitarian demining,
  • critical infrastructure,
  • digital technologies,
  • housing,
  • healthcare.

Moreover, France will continue to provide humanitarian assistance to meet the urgent needs of the Ukrainian population in the conditions of armed aggression by the Russian Federation.

  • civil cooperation also includes:
  • support for reform programs in Ukraine,
  • recovery of Ukraine,
  • compensation for losses and damages caused by Russian aggression,
  • imposing sanctions against the aggressor.

The participants will carry out this cooperation in accordance with their international and national obligations, as well as in line with France's European commitments.

This agreement is valid for ten years from the date of its signing. However, if Ukraine becomes a NATO member before the expiration of the agreement, the parties will decide on its further status.

Security agreement

Today, on February 16, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy arrived on a visit to France.

He met with President Emmanuel Macron. The leaders signed agreement on security cooperation for Ukraine.

Today, Ukraine also concluded a similar agreement with Germany. More details about the document are available in the material of RBC-Ukraine.