Coca-Cola scandal: Reason you may never drink it again

The favorite drink of many, Coca-Cola, may be much more harmful to your health than you think. After the recent scandal with the beverages, you need to know the whole truth about this product.
What is scandal with Coca-Cola?
The European division of Coca-Cola Europacific Partners announced a mass recall of beverages in six European countries. The reason is the detection of a high level of chlorate, which poses a potential health threat.
As France 24 reports, the increased level of chlorate was found during a routine check at the company's production facility in Ghent, Belgium.
What harm does Coca-Cola cause?
British pharmacist Niraj Nayak shared alarming results from consuming a 330-milliliter can of Coca-Cola. He claims that the effect of consumption is similar to the effect of heroin. One can of Coca-Cola contains 10 teaspoons of sugar. This is a lot.
People are generally advised to consume only six teaspoons of sugar per day.
"The intense sweetness of Coca-Cola, which arises due to the high sugar content, should cause a person to vomit as soon as it enters the body. However, the phosphoric acid in the drink dulls the sweetness, allowing people to continue drinking the beverage," said the expert.
In just ten minutes, your tooth enamel is attacked by a massive amount of sugar.
"Phosphoric acid attacks the enamel on your teeth, while artificial sweeteners like aspartame affect your digestive system. Aspartame can activate taste receptors and make your body think it has just processed sugar," says Niraj.
Due to the massive spike in blood sugar levels, just 20 minutes later, this also causes a spike in insulin, meaning that the liver has to turn "a large amount of sugar into fat."
After 40 minutes, the body absorbs caffeine from Coca-Cola, which causes the pupils to dilate and blood pressure to rise.
By this time, the drink also "blocks adenosine receptors" in the brain, which prevents drowsiness. Five minutes later, dopamine production occurs.
The influx of dopamine causes pleasure, but after an hour, the sugar begins to drop, which can cause "irritability and drowsiness," and the body "flushes out the water from the Coca-Cola along with vital nutrients."
Read also about five foods that severely harm your kidneys.
Earlier, we wrote about seven foods you absolutely must not eat if you are too hungry.
Sources: France 24, Medical News Today, and Mirror.
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