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Coach on how to completely transform your body in three months

Coach on how to completely transform your body in three months RBC-Ukraine collage
Author: Maria Kholina

A personal coach claims that you can transform your body in three months and lose weight by following just one simple rule.

Fitness expert Isabelle Morris explains what needs to be done to lose weight and have a beautiful body.

How to transform your body and lose weight in just three months

Isabelle, a staunch advocate of body positivity, emphasized that women can stay in shape without giving up the foods they love.

In a recent post, she boldly stated that a three-month commitment is all it takes to change your life. One month is enough to feel the difference, and two months to visibly see the benefits. According to Isabelle, the real challenge is not creating a new lifestyle but sticking to it consistently.

She acknowledges that there are moments when one feels like giving up, but persistence is key. The fitness guru believes that even when progress seems slow, that's the time to dig deeper.

"I truly believe it takes 3 months of consistency to make a change that lasts for life. You might not be at your end goal in 3 months, but you will have built a foundation to keep you going to see those changes long term. The time will pass either way," she wrote.

Isabelle’s post garnered over 600 likes and prompted a wave of comments from her followers, many of whom agreed with her.

Coach's weight-loss secrets

1. Proper portion sizes and plenty of protein

A calorie deficit is essential for fat loss, but that doesn’t mean eating less.

2. Strength training

These exercises are crucial during the fat-loss phase to maintain muscle and actually achieve fat loss (rather than just weight loss).

3. Steps and cardio workouts

Aim to walk 8,000 to 10,000 steps a day. Also, ride a bike or go for a run.

4. Don’t restrict yourself

Allow yourself to enjoy treats you love from time to time.

5. Consistency and patience

It’s crucial to stick with it to see long-term results.

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