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Coach names one thing that will definitely help slim down

Coach names one thing that will definitely help slim down Illustrative photo (Freepik)
Author: Maria Kholina

Many people want to lose weight but often overlook a simple action that can help them achieve this goal.

Coach and nutritionist Viktor Mandziak revealed what is important in helping you slim down.

The expert advises that before swallowing, you should thoroughly chew your food. But it’s not just about that: chewed food is mechanically broken down, making it easier for saliva to penetrate and facilitate further digestion.

According to the coach, the number of chewing movements affects body weight.

He shared that in one study conducted on rats, it was found that chewing 40 times, compared to 15 times, led to a reduction in the amount of food consumed.

"And this isn’t surprising, because the test subjects who chewed 40 times had lower levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin, and higher levels of glucagon-like peptide-1 and cholecystokinin, which are satiety-signaling molecules. Additionally, scientists discovered an interesting pattern: overweight people tend to chew less and swallow quickly compared to slimmer individuals," Viktor said.

It then becomes obvious that if you chew well, you're more likely to have a slim waist.

"But what about nuts? People were given almonds and chewed them 10, 25, and 40 times. The stool of those who chewed 10 times was the fattiest. Do you understand what that means? If there's a lot of fat in your stool after eating nuts, it means these nuts were poorly absorbed. And if they’re poorly absorbed, many calories are passed through your system. As strange as it may sound, for those trying to lose weight or fight excess weight, this is a positive outcome. So, chewing a lot is good—but not when it comes to nuts," Mandziak concluded.