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Breakfast classic that will improve your brain

Breakfast classic that will improve your brain Illustrative photo (Screenshot)
Author: Maria Kholina

Bacon sandwiches are the perfect way to start the day, and as it turns out, this product might help boost your brain and mood, according to Wales Online.

Professor Hugo Alexandre Ferreira from the University of Lisbon in Portugal suggests that consuming these crispy sandwiches could actually have a positive impact on your brain.

Surprisingly, it’s linked to its smoky aroma, which reportedly stimulates areas of the brain associated with alertness, memory, reward, and motivation.

“The connection between diet and brain function has always been a fascinating area of research. The sensory and nutritional elements of bacon can play a role in effects and cognitive enhancement when introduced as part of a well-balanced diet,” said the professor.

In July, Professor Ferreira conducted a critical scientific review to gain a deeper understanding of bacon’s impact on the brain, collaborating with experts. As part of this, he highlighted several key studies indicating that bacon is more than just a tasty treat.

A 2008 US-led study examined how rats responded to an "olfactory stimulus," particularly the smell of bacon. Interestingly, researchers noticed that its scent caused changes in various brain regions, including the hippocampus, which is linked to memory, and the thalamus, associated with alertness.

A later study in 2015 also showed that bacon affects the part of the brain related to reward, motivation, cognition, and even addiction.

“The unforgettable smell of bacon, comprised of about 150 organic volatile compounds, is recognized and appreciated by all,” Ferreira said.

Benefits and drawbacks of bacon

In addition to its brain-boosting properties, bacon is rich in vitamin B and also contains iron, magnesium, zinc, and potassium.

However, despite its undeniable benefits, it’s important to acknowledge that bacon also has its downsides. Typically, salt is a significant part of the curing process used to prepare bacon.

Some researchers link increased salt intake with a higher risk of stomach cancer, while others express concerns about processed meat and its connection to breast, liver, and lung cancer. Therefore, consuming bacon as part of a balanced diet and avoiding excessive intake is crucial.

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