Cardiologist reveals habit that can improve life

Everyone is looking for easy solutions to support their health. There's no magic pill. But don't forget about simple beneficial habits that will give you a similar effect, recommends cardiologist Natalia Ivaniuk.
How much time to walk during the day
According to the doctor, a simple way to synchronize hemispheres is walking with active arm movements at a pace of 6-7 km/h. It resembles the pace when you're running late and walking briskly.
This is also a great way to combat stress. 20-30 minutes of walking reduces cortisol levels - the stress hormone - and improves brain function.
Moreover, new routes can improve memory, attention, and thinking. It's worth exploring new paths to train your brain.
Regular walking stabilizes blood pressure, pulse, cholesterol, and weight levels.
Incorporate walking as a new way of relaxation into your routine. Take a mindful walk during your lunch break. Take deep breaths, feel the ground under your feet, and immerse yourself in a moment of calm for at least 20 minutes.
Why changes needed for lifetime
The cardiologist adds that these are changes needed not for just one day but for life. And the results won't make you wait.
"Enjoy the wonderful spring weather, get vitamin D, and enjoy fresh air," she says.
Walking also ensures healthy sleep. If you suffer from insomnia, an evening walk is exactly what you need.
Walks contribute to a good mood, this is an ideal way to relax. Leisurely walking is an excellent way to clear your mind of negative thoughts.
Moreover, it's not just walking but also observing what's happening around that has a positive impact.
Check out also exercises that ensure heart health.
This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical diagnosis or self-treatment. Our goal is to provide readers with accurate information about symptoms, causes, and methods of detecting diseases. RBС-Ukraine is not responsible for any diagnoses that readers may make based on materials from the resource. We do not recommend self-treatment and advise consulting a doctor in case of any health concerns.