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Can cause irreversible damage - Doctors on corrective underwear

Can cause irreversible damage - Doctors on corrective underwear Doctors told whether corrective underwear is harmful (photo: Freepik)

Shapewear helps create the perfect body contours, but wearing it can have negative health consequences. Doctors warn that too tight underwear squeezes organs, disrupts blood circulation, and can cause digestive problems, reports Huffpost.

Why corrective underwear is harmful to health

The most common reason people wear shapewear and corsets is to reshape their bodies and improve their appearance. There's nothing wrong with wanting to look your best, but overdoing it can have serious consequences.

Dr. Bhasha Mukherjee said that it all depends on how many hours you wear the underwear and how tight it is. Wearing it for more than one day can cause discomfort and can also increase anxiety and even damage the musculoskeletal system.

According to physiotherapist Darcia Pervier, any part of the body where movement is constantly restricted for long periods of time is subject to tissue deprivation, where muscles and tendons become weaker and less resistant to stress.


If the corrective garment is too tight and restricts the diaphragm, it can make breathing difficult, limit deep breathing, and cause shortness of breath or dizziness.

People often do not leave enough room for their lungs to expand when they take a deep breath. You may also have difficulty exhaling air from your lungs, which can lead to fainting.


When a shapewear puts pressure on the stomach area, it can cause digestive problems such as acid reflux and heartburn as acid moves up the esophagus.

It can also disrupt the normal rhythm of organ movement, which can disrupt how well the diaphragm, liver, and intestines move and shift.

Bowel problems occur in many people when they wear tight-fitting clothing for a long time. The organs are designed to move, expand, and digest food.

If restricted, people can experience abdominal pain and digestive problems, and conditions such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can be exacerbated.

The pressure from clothing can cause the bladder, bowels, uterus, and rectum to sink down, increasing the risk of them becoming pushed into the vagina.


Depending on how tight the clothes are and how long you wear them, skin irritation may occur. Thus, it is worth not wearing such clothes too tightly or avoiding them altogether.


Some people notice that their muscles get weaker or sore if they wear corrective clothing all the time. This can prevent your body from moving naturally. This can result in unwanted nervous conditions.

If the clothing is too tight, it can cause numbness from pressure on the nerve.

Pros of corrective clothing

A corset can be useful after any abdominal surgery, including pregnancy. Your abdominal muscles may become weaker and fiber tears may occur between them.

Therefore, wearing a waist corset can prevent hernias and provide additional support to the muscles.

Ribbed corsets make you sit up straight, which will help you avoid slouching.

How often can you wear it

Wearing such clothes for evening walks is quite normal if you have no other medical problems. However, it is important to choose the right size and make sure it is not too tight.

The main thing is to wear corrective clothing in moderation and in the size that suits you. Wearing them at night is absolutely prohibited.

This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical diagnosis or self-treatment. Our goal is to provide readers with accurate information about symptoms, causes, and methods of detecting diseases. RBС-Ukraine is not responsible for any diagnoses that readers may make based on materials from the resource. We do not recommend self-treatment and advise consulting a doctor in case of any health concerns.