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Brazil blocks social network X, many people feel disconnected from world - AP

Brazil blocks social network X, many people feel disconnected from world - AP Photo: social network X logo and image of Elon Musk (Getty Images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

Early on the morning of August 31, 2024, Brazil began blocking the social media platform X. The platform became inaccessible both online and through its mobile app, according to the Associated Press.

The blocking of X in Brazil has divided users and politicians regarding the legality of the imposed ban. Many Brazilians have experienced difficulties and doubts using other social networks due to the absence of X since Saturday.

What preceded

At the beginning of 2024, Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes ordered X to suspend dozens of accounts accused of spreading misinformation.

The current owner of X, billionaire Elon Musk, condemned the order as censorship and responded by closing X's offices in Brazil. However, X stated that its services would remain available in the country.

Recently, after the judge gave Musk 24 hours to appoint an official representative in the country, there was no response or action from the billionaire. Consequently, Moraes decided to ban X within Brazil.

According to the judge, the platform's operations are suspended until it complies with the relevant orders. Additionally, he imposed daily fines of $8,900 for individuals or companies attempting to circumvent the block through VPNs.

Importance of X to Brazilians

Associated Press notes that Brazil is one of X’s largest markets, with tens of millions of users.

However, following the block, Brazilians have started exploring other platforms. Bluesky, a potential alternative to X that launched in 2023, has seen a significant influx of Brazilian users in recent days. On Friday, the company reported approximately 200,000 new Brazilian users registered on its platform, with the number continuing to grow by the minute. Additionally, Brazilians are setting records on the platform in terms of subscriptions and likes.

The publication indicates that platform migration is not new to Brazilians. They were once avid users of Orkut, and when that social network ceased to exist, they transitioned to other platforms with enthusiasm.

Although X is not as popular in Brazil as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok, it remains an important platform for Brazilian political debates and has significant influence among politicians, journalists, and other opinion leaders.

Moreover, Brazilians use X to share their sense of humor, with many of the country's most famous memes originating from posts on this social network.

Read more about the X blocking in Brazil in RBC-Ukraine's article.