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Brave dog saved life of its owner, who was dying

Brave dog saved life of its owner, who was dying A clever dog saved its owner from death (collage by RBC-Ukraine)

A 13-year-old dog saved the life of her 84-year-old owner, who fell and could not get up from the ground on his own. Gita quickly realized that her owner was in trouble and understood what needed to be done, according to ABC News.

The deputy sheriff of Stevens County in Washington was patrolling a rural wooded area when he came across a dog in the middle of the roadway. He wanted to help look for the owners, but the dog was acting strangely.

“Wright tried to get the dog into his vehicle so he could attempt to find the owner, but the dog would not get in his vehicle. Wright proceeded to check the surrounding area residences within a mile and could not find the owner,” the authorities reported.

Хоробрий пес врятував життя своєму господарю, який помирав: він чітко зрозумів, що треба зробити

Brave Gita, who knew how to save her owner (photo: Facebook/Stevens County Sheriff's Office)

Then Wright tried to pick up the dog from the road again, but it wouldn’t let him and ran down a small, unmarked path, beckoning the sheriff’s deputy to follow.

The officer sensed something was wrong, so he followed the dog and discovered a small summer cottage. There, he found an elderly man lying down and calling for help.

The 84-year-old retiree had several health issues and needed to take his medication. However, he had fallen and injured his leg. He had to lie there for several hours, as no one heard his calls for help.

However, the 13-year-old dog named Gita didn’t panic. She noticed that her owner was in trouble and couldn’t get up, so she ran off to find help.

She made her way to the road and waited for someone to pass by. Then, she began to bark and lead people to the spot where her owner needed to be rescued.

"We credit Gita for saving his life that day. The loyalty and heroism of our furry friends never cease to amaze us," said the authorities.

Хоробрий пес врятував життя своєму господарю, який помирав: він чітко зрозумів, що треба зробити

Gita understood how to bring help to her owner (photo: Facebook/Stevens County Sheriff's Office)