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Border Guard of Ukraine reports on situation near border of Sumy region

Border Guard of Ukraine reports on situation near border of Sumy region Andrii Demchenko, spokesperson of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (photo:

As of today, the Russians are not deploying additional forces near the border with the Sumy region, reports Andrii Demchenko, spokesperson of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

“The situation is unchanged towards the border with Belarus, we have not seen such a significant threat recently, and we do not see any movement near our border from the other side, but we continue to be vigilant because we must be prepared for any situation,” said the SBGS speaker.

At the same time, he noted that a high level of shelling by Russia remains along the border in the Chernihiv and Sumy regions.

“The Chernihiv and Sumy regions are subject to daily shelling, as well as the Kharkiv region. Most of the attacks, if we compare the Chernihiv and Sumy regions, are in the Sumy region,” noted the spokesperson.

Demchenko explained that it is there that the enemy uses artillery, aviation, and attack drones to strike at the territory of Ukraine.

“Most of them are aimed at populated areas, which is why I can say that Russia continues to confirm its status as a terrorist country because it targets civilians... We do not record any actions that Russia could take to deploy or expand the zone of active hostilities in the direction of the Sumy region,” said Demchenko.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Russians have been shelling Sumy region almost daily.

Today, July 27, the Russian military shelled Hlukhiv in the Sumy region. As a result, 13 people were injured, including 7 children.

A boy of 14 years died from his injuries later.