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Blinken urges Israel and Hamas to resolve differences in ceasefire deal

Blinken urges Israel and Hamas to resolve differences in ceasefire deal Photo: US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken (Getty Images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas need to resolve the remaining contentious issues to finalize a ceasefire agreement for the Gaza Strip, according to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

"Based on what I have seen, 90% is agreed but there are a few critical issues that remain, including the so-called Philadelphi corridor on the southern edge of the Gaza Strip bordering Egypt," said US Secretary of State Antony Blinken during a press briefing in Haiti.

Blinken also noted that the agreement contains some gaps regarding the exchange of Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners.

"I expect in the coming days, we will share with Israel, and they (Qatar and Egypt) will share with Hamas our thoughts, the three of us, on exactly how to resolve remaining outstanding questions," Blinken added.

Ceasefire agreement

In late May, US President Joe Biden proposed a ceasefire and hostage release agreement for the Gaza Strip, which includes three key points. However, since then, Israel and Hamas have been unable to finalize the agreement despite the involvement of mediators such as the US, Egypt, and Qatar.

Specifically, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) should maintain indefinite control over the Philadelphi corridor. However, Hamas has refused to accept this Israeli demand.

In late August, another round of negotiations took place, but the parties could not reach a final version of the peace agreement.

Recently, Hamas terrorists killed a group of Israeli hostages in tunnels beneath the city of Rafah in the Gaza Strip.

This attack has triggered widespread protests among Israeli residents demanding the acceleration of the ceasefire agreement and the return of the hostages from Hamas.