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Biden orders use of all resources to protect Trump

Biden orders use of all resources to protect Trump US President Joe Biden (photo: Getty Images)

On Sunday, there was a possible second attempt on the life of US presidential candidate Donald Trump. Current President Joe Biden responded by directing authorities to deploy all resources to protect the politician, according to the White House website.

“I have been briefed by my team regarding what federal law enforcement is investigating as a possible assassination attempt of former President Trump today. A suspect is in custody,” Biden said.

The US President expressed high praise for the Secret Service and their law enforcement partners for their vigilance and efforts to ensure the safety of the former president and his associates.

“I am relieved that the former President is unharmed,” Biden added.

He reported that an active investigation is underway and law enforcement is gathering more details about the incident.

Biden emphasized that he has repeatedly stated that there is no place for political or any other kind of violence in the US. He has therefore directed continued protection for Trump.

“I have directed my team to continue to ensure that Secret Service has every resource, capability and protective measure necessary to ensure the former President’s continued safety,” concluded the current White House occupant.