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Biden makes statement on Russian attack on Poltava

Biden makes statement on Russian attack on Poltava US President Joe Biden (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Russia launched an attack on Poltava with two ballistic missiles on September 3, killing over 50 people. However, it will not achieve victory in this war, according to US President Joe Biden.

The American leader condemned the actions of the aggressor country.

"Earlier today, Russian missiles struck a military training facility and a hospital in Ukraine—killing more than 50 people and injuring dozens more. I condemn this deplorable attack in the strongest possible terms," Biden said.

In a published statement, it was mentioned that this attack by Russia serves as a tragic reminder of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin's attempts to break the will of a free people.

The American president added that for the past two and a half years, the people of Ukraine have stood resolutely, and the US will continue to supply air defense systems and other capabilities necessary for the country's defense.

Summarizing his statement, Biden said that Russia would not win this war. Victory will belong to the people of Ukraine.

"Make no mistake: Russia will not prevail in this war. The people of Ukraine will prevail. And on this tragic day, and every day, the United States stands with them," said the American leader.

Missile strikes on Poltava

On September 3, after 9 AM, several explosions were heard in Poltava. The first details of the tragedy became known a few hours later.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy reported that the strike hit a school and a nearby hospital, and partially destroyed one of the buildings of the Communication Institute.

By the evening, at 8:05 PM, it was known that the number of injured had risen to 271 people. The Office of the Prosecutor General reported that 51 people had died. However, the spokesperson for the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, Oleksandr Khorunzhyi, emphasized that these are preliminary figures, which are constantly being updated.

For more details on the Russian attack on Poltava, read the RBC-Ukraine report.