Biden authored article in The Washington Post and mentioned Ukraine

U.S. President Joe Biden has authored an article discussing the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, and the role of America in the global order, according to The Washington Post.
In his introduction, President Biden asserts that Russian leader Vladimir Putin shares the objective with Hamas of eliminating a neighboring democracy.
"Both Putin and Hamas are fighting to wipe a neighboring democracy off the map. And both Putin and Hamas hope to collapse broader regional stability and integration and take advantage of the ensuing disorder. America cannot, and will not, let that happen. For our own national security interests — and for the good of the entire world," said Joe Biden.
Thoughts on the war in Ukraine
Biden observed that the two world wars of the past century have taught us that it is imperative to respond to aggression in Europe and that the crisis cannot resolve itself. Therefore, he characterized American assistance as an investment in our national security.
"We are keeping American troops out of this war by supporting the brave Ukrainians defending their freedom and homeland. We are providing them with weapons and economic assistance to stop Putin’s drive for conquest before the conflict spreads farther," said Joe Biden.
Additionally, the President of the United States emphasized the aid provided by over 50 other countries to Ukraine.
The American President noted the aid provided to Ukraine by over 50 other countries.
"We have also built a stronger and more united NATO, which enhances our security through the strength of our allies while making clear that we will defend every inch of NATO territory to deter further Russian aggression," Biden emphasized.
The war between Israel and Hamas
The article highlights the conflict between Israel and Hamas.
Biden stressed that Hamas rules over the Palestinians and uses them as human shields. He explained that the U.S. aims not only to end this war but also to create a lasting peace in Gaza and the Middle East.
Biden discussed plans to improve integration between Israel and the Palestinian territories in the region.
"That is also the idea behind the innovative economic corridor that will connect India to Europe through the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Israel, which I announced together with partners at the Group of 20 summit in India in early September. Stronger integration between countries creates predictable markets and draws greater investment," said Biden.
He stated that in such a prospective scenario, Hamas's violence and hatred have no place. Moreover, Biden emphasized that the only viable option to guarantee long-term peace is the two-state solution.
"Reaching it will take commitments from Israelis and Palestinians, as well as from the United States and our allies and partners. That work must start now," the U.S. President emphasized.
To achieve this goal, the United States has proposed fundamental principles for overcoming the crisis and establishing a foundation for global peace. The first step is to end the use of Gaza for violent conflict.
"To start, Gaza must never again be used as a platform for terrorism. There must be no forcible displacement of Palestinians from Gaza, no reoccupation, no siege or blockade, and no reduction in territory. And after this war is over, the voices of the Palestinian people and their aspirations must be at the center of post-crisis governance in Gaza," Biden said.
Second, the unification of Gaza and the West Bank is crucial under a unified governance structure, led by a reestablished Palestinian Authority, as we strive towards achieving a two-state solution.
Middle East
Biden observed that Middle Eastern conflicts have resulted in global ramifications. Thus, the United States is endeavoring to thwart the spread of the crisis.
"I have also been clear that the United States will do what is necessary to defend U.S. troops and personnel stationed across the Middle East — and we have responded multiple times to the strikes against us," said Biden.
The US President added "But we must never forget the lesson learned time and again throughout our history: Out of great tragedy and upheaval, enormous progress can come."
"More hope. More freedom. Less rage. Less grievance. Less war. We must not lose our resolve to pursue those goals, because now is when clear vision, big ideas, and political courage are needed most. That is the strategy that my administration will continue to lead — in the Middle East, Europe, and around the globe," he concluded.