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Biden and Trump argue about their physical abilities

Biden and Trump argue about their physical abilities Illustrative photo (photo: RBC-Ukraine, Vitalii Nosach)

During the debate, 81-year-old President of the US Joe Biden and 78-year-old presidential candidate Donald Trump argued over who plays golf more skillfully, reports Forbes.

During the exchange, when asked about their ages, Trump confidently mentioned passing numerous cognitive tests and boasted about winning two club golf championships. He also claimed Biden couldn't hit a ball 50 yards.

In response, Biden remarked on Trump's height and weight, joking that he'd gladly play golf with the former president if he carried his bag.

Biden stated he has a golf handicap of 6, which means he is expected to exceed the nominal score of a course by six strokes - a claim Trump dismissed as fake, adding, "I’ve seen your swing."

Trump interjected, "Let’s not act like children." Biden retorted, "You are a child."

The former president asserted he's currently in better physical shape than 25-30 years ago and has even lost weight.