Best way to eat broccoli for maximum health benefits

Broccoli is a highly beneficial vegetable for the body, but it requires proper handling to maximize its advantages.
Here are tips on how to store and cook broccoli correctly.
How to properly store broccoli?
- Keep it in the refrigerator wrapped in a slightly damp cloth, paper, or a waxed cover. Plastic packaging encourages mold growth.
- Do not store it near apples, bananas, or pears, as they release ethylene, which speeds up ripening and wilting.
- Freeze for up to 6 months: Divide into florets, blanch for 4 minutes, cool in ice water, dry, and store in airtight bags.
Can you eat yellowing broccoli?
If broccoli starts turning yellow, it means it is preparing to flower. It is not spoiled but may contain fewer vitamins. Yellowing broccoli is best used in soups, purees, or stews.
If you notice mold spots, cut them off before they penetrate deeper.
Don’t throw away the stems and leaves
Not just the florets, but also the stem and leaves of broccoli are edible and rich in vitamins and fiber. Before cooking, remove the tough outer skin and slice the tender core. The stem can be boiled, fried, or added to soups.
Can you eat raw broccoli?
Yes! Raw broccoli is a great source of folic acid, antioxidants, and sulforaphane, which helps prevent diseases. However, people with sensitive stomachs should start with small portions to avoid bloating.
Simple broccoli salad recipe:
Chop broccoli, a sour apple, red bell pepper, and green onion. Dress with a sauce made from: vinegar (3 tbsp), oil (2 tbsp), mustard (1 tsp), honey or maple syrup (1 tsp), and ground pepper.
How to cook broccoli to preserve maximum nutrients
Do not overcook! Sulforaphane breaks down with prolonged heat.
Best methods: blanching (3-4 minutes), steaming, quick frying, or microwaving for 1 minute.
Tip: Let chopped broccoli sit for 40-60 minutes before cooking - this activates enzymes that enhance its benefits.
Sources: Nutrients, Healthline, Facebook page "Green Planet Earth."
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