Avoid mood swings before period by eating these foods

Some women may experience mood swings during menstruation and have strong cravings for unhealthy foods. It is worth knowing what to eat before PMS to avoid this.
What is better to eat before menstruation
What foods are best added to the diet before menstruation (cycle day 20-30):
- increase the content of protein foods - they provide a long-lasting feeling of satiety
- fiber-rich foods help to increase the volume of portions
- greens, lettuce, arugula, and spinach are sources of magnesium, iron, vitamins
- avocados, nuts, and olive oil - fats are necessary for normal hormone levels
- dark chocolate with a high cocoa content
- broccoli - a storehouse of nutrients
- cereals - buckwheat or brown rice, help in the removal of excess estrogen from your body
- salmon and tuna - contains protein and fatty acids
You should also consume more of these foods:
- pearl barley
- sesame seeds
- blueberries
- turmeric
- ginger
- green tea
- apples, which are rich in iron and magnesium
- olive oil
- apricots and plums, rich in zinc and potassium
Why diet is important during menstruation
A healthy diet is crucial for many reasons, but it is essential during menstruation.
PMS is a problem for many women, causing emotional stress and physical symptoms. These symptoms can be mild, moderate, or severe, but often disappear after the start of your period.
Common symptoms of premenstrual syndrome include breast tenderness, mood swings, bloating, and irritability. Medications can help, but they may not be necessary if you eat the right foods before your period.
Diet is a crucial aspect of managing PMS for many reasons. You need additional vitamins and nutrients to help manage gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, such as bloating, and reduce fatigue from vaginal bleeding.
Five foods to eat during your period
A few days before menstruation, some women suffer from serious PMS symptoms that affect various aspects of life.
Five main products for period relief include:
- Bitter chocolate is high in iron and magnesium, which help reduce menstrual symptoms. Magnesium is especially useful for relieving bloating, cramps, and headaches
- Leafy greens will increase iron and calcium. Iron is crucial when you lose a significant amount of blood, and low levels cause fatigue and body aches during menstruation
- Ginger has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that help with many symptoms associated with PMS
- Yogurt - gastrointestinal symptoms often worsen during menstruation, and yogurt can help. Yogurt contains probiotics that help balance intestinal bacteria, reducing bloating
- Whole grains such as quinoa, brown rice, and oats, ease bloating and regulate bowel movements, especially during menstruation. They are high in fiber and magnesium, helping with menstrual cramps and other symptoms.
We also wrote about the factor that can be used to assess a woman's health.
Sources: Women's health care and Cleveland clinic websites.
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