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Attack on Kharkiv: Woman's body pulled out of high-rise rubble

Attack on Kharkiv: Woman's body pulled out of high-rise rubble Russia shells a house in Kharkiv (photo:

On Sunday, September 15, Russians dropped a guided bomb on a residential building in Kharkiv. According to the latest reports by Mayor Ihor Terekhov and the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration Oleh Syniehubov, the body of a woman was pulled out of the rubble, and 42 other people were injured.

“Rescuers pulled out the body of an elderly woman from the rubble in the house where the enemy hit with a guided bomb today. So we have one dead person and 42 wounded,” said Terekhov.

He added that the fire was extinguished. All relevant services and volunteers are working at the scene.

The information about the deceased was confirmed by the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration. According to him, rescuers unblocked the woman's body from the 9th floor of the building. Law enforcement is currently working to identify the body.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy reacted to the shelling and once again called on the world to help Ukraine defend itself against Russian aircraft and dozens of submarines that take lives of Ukrainians every day.

“This terror can be stopped. But to stop terror, we need to stop the fear of strong decisions that are objectively necessary. Only determination can end this war justly. It is determination that most effectively protects against terror,” he wrote on his Telegram channel.