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Astrologer’s forecast on September 20: How to balance energy on challenging Friday

Astrologer’s forecast on September 20: How to balance energy on challenging Friday September 20 astrological forecast (Collage RBC-Ukraine)

This Friday, September 20, could be unlucky for many plans and important matters. Ukrainian astrologer Kateryna Soloviova gave a full forecast for the day and explained how to balance energy. The astrologer named the main colors of this Friday and provided tips that will help attract happiness.

Astro-weather forecast for September 20

Remember that the eclipse corridor is not over yet. Additionally, keep in mind that today is an unfavorable period for new endeavors, surgical and dental procedures, travel, important deals, and expensive purchases.

"Do not succumb to illusions, egoism, or negative thoughts. It is not recommended to eat meat, smoke, or drink alcohol. Abstain from sexual activities. It’s a passive day with the danger of falling under someone else’s influence or starting to imitate someone," warned the astrologer.

"Keep a clear mind, objectively assess yourself and those around you. The reality around you will reflect your essence. Everything that will be said about you is true. Think about how to get rid of identified shortcomings. If you hear something pleasant about yourself, that’s also true," she added.

On this day, you should also summarize things, complete ongoing tasks, and repay debts.

Astrologer’s forecast on September 20: How to balance energy on challenging Friday

Horoscope for September 20 (collage: RBC-Ukraine)

Astro-life hacks for Friday

September 20 is the day of Venus, the planet of harmony, beauty, finances, creativity, art, craftsmanship, talent, and partnerships. Astrologers also call it the "little happiness."

Due to the overall tone of the day, the astrologer advises against initiating new activities related to this planet, such as:

  • Major financial payments
  • Marriage registration
  • New acquaintances
  • Business registration
  • Expensive purchases
  • Loans
  • Updating your personal image or home decor
  • New cosmetic, plastic, or surgical procedures
  • Overindulgence in unfamiliar food.

"You can balance the Venusian theme with pink colors and silk in clothing or accessories. Surround yourself with fresh flowers (especially roses), visit a garden or greenhouse to balance your state with the beauty of nature," said Solovyova.

"Refrain from romance; instead, spend time attending a classical music concert, an art museum, a theater performance, or any creative activity: singing, drawing, dancing, playing music, writing poetry or a book, calligraphy, ikebana, and so on," she concluded.

Incidentally, it was recently revealed which zodiac signs will find the love of their life by the end of this year.

Moreover, it was recently announced which zodiac signs will start experiencing a "white streak."