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Astro forecast for July 18: Favorable activities and forbidden actions

Astro forecast for July 18: Favorable activities and forbidden actions What is forbidden on July 18 (illustration:

Ukrainian astrologer Kateryna Soloviova shared the importance of this day, Thursday, July 18, and it turned out to be a very significant date.

Soloviova provided an astro forecast for July 18 and detailed the main aspects of the day.

What is forbidden on July 18

On this day, it is not recommended to fast or succumb to sadness. Additionally, it is advised not to:

  • Engage in gossip and inconsistency, especially regarding communications, various gadgets, transportation, travel, documentation, trade, and education.
  • Keep silent about your feelings.
  • Be lazy.

Astro weather for Thursday - What needs to be done

This day, as explained by the astrologer, is one of the most favorable dates in July for new ventures and important decisions, surgical and dental procedures, and visiting the hairdresser. The energy of July 18 will help to shed the burden of the past and alleviate the weight of karmic debts.

According to Solovyova, it is a day for accumulating information and coordinating the work of the logical and creative hemispheres of the brain. Additionally, rejuvenation processes in the body will be activated, and cosmetic products will be most effective.

The main rules of the day are:

  • Resolving old problems will bring new strength to the body.
  • Physical activity will be beneficial, while passivity is unfavorable.
  • Group work, discussing common problems, and exchanging information will be advantageous.
  • Get rid of unnecessary acquaintances and connections.

Horoscope for July 18 - Why this day is special

"July 18 is a Thursday, the day of Jupiter, the planet of 'great happiness,' broad horizons, and rich opportunities. Until June 10, 2025, it will be in Gemini. This is the worst position for the kindest planet in the Solar System," the astrologer explained.

"However, this is favorable for those involved in literary and publishing activities, travel, entrepreneurship, and large businesses," she added.

Solovyova provided some advice:

  • Balance Jupiterian energies by using indigo and violet colors in your clothing and accessories.
  • If your business is related to law, travel, education, and science, you may have opportunities to improve the situation.
  • This is also a favorable time for those connected to anything foreign, such as languages, international relations, and international cooperation.
  • It is a great time to expand your knowledge in religion and philosophy, attend a seminar, or get acquainted with an authoritative author's book on this topic.

Earlier, we discussed which Zodiac signs are the most spiteful.