American farmer grew world's most giant pumpkin weighing over ton

In the U.S., 43-year-old horticulture instructor Travis Gienger set a new record for giant pumpkins at the Half Moon Bay Art & Pumpkin Festival. He grew a vegetable weighing 1,246 kilograms, according to The Guardian.
What is known about the world's most giant pumpkin?
The pumpkin was named Michael Jordan.
Travis Gienger grew this vegetable in his backyard. He spent about $15,000 on fertilizer for the supergiant.
The pumpkin grew to a size approximately equivalent to 2,110 basketballs.
The 43-year-old landscape design and horticulture instructor at Anoka Technical College has been growing pumpkins since his adolescence, continuing a family tradition.
This year, he won $30,000, the equivalent of a Super Bowl ring created by a local jeweler. He said he is pleased and plans to reinvest the winnings in growing an even more giant pumpkin next year.
"I put in the work so that I can put a smile on people’s faces, and it’s just so nice coming out here to see everyone in this town," he said.
The largest pumpkin in the world has grown in the United States (Screenshot from The Guardian)