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Almost 9.000 occupiers and over 200 artillery systems: Russia's weekly losses

Almost 9.000 occupiers and over 200 artillery systems: Russia's weekly losses Photo: the losses of the Russian Federation in Ukraine for the third week of September are named (Getty Images)

During the third week of September, the Armed Forces of Ukraine eliminated 8,620 Russian soldiers. They also managed to destroy 224 artillery systems and 159 armoured fighting vehicles, according to the Telegram of Commander of the Ground Forces Oleksandr Pavliuk.

"During the week from September 15 to 22, enemy losses amounted to around 8,620 personnel," he stated.

In addition, the Armed Forces of Ukraine succeeded in destroying:

  • 88 tanks
  • 159 armored combat vehicles
  • 224 artillery systems
  • 9 multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS)
  • 2 anti-aircraft defense systems
  • 339 vehicles
  • 60 special equipment

In addition, Ukrainian forces destroyed at least three enemy missiles and 394 drones. A total of 1,278 units of weapons and military equipment have been destroyed.

Situation on the front in Ukraine

As of the morning of September 22, Russian forces have intensified their activities in the Lyman direction. The number of attacks here has equaled the number of assaults in the Pokrovsk direction.

According to the Institute for the Study of War, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are successfully repelling mechanized assaults by Russia, which involve a significant amount of equipment. At the same time, Russian occupiers are making advances near Lyptsy, Kupiansk, Kreminna, Toretsk, as well as in the Kursk region.