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Airfield in Volgograd region hit: Warehouses with guided bombs and fuel damaged

Airfield in Volgograd region hit: Warehouses with guided bombs and fuel damaged Photo: The Security Service of Ukraine, together with the Special Operations Forces hit warehouses with guided bombs and fuel at Marynovka airfield (Russian media)

The Security Service of Ukraine, together with the Special Operations Forces, attacked the Marinovka airfield in the Volgograd region this night. As a result, warehouses containing guided bombs and fuel were hit, according to the sources of RBC-Ukraine.

According to sources, the enemy actively uses Marinovka to bombard the front line in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, local residents complain that after the drone attack, their military airfield "looks like scenes from an apocalyptic movie."

"The so-called special military operation is going according to plan so well that locals spent the whole night and morning hearing explosions from warehouses containing guided bombs, ammunition, and fuel," sources said.

It has been reported that black smoke is rising over the airfield, accompanied by powerful detonations.

"The Security Service of Ukraine is working with surgical precision on airfields from which the enemy attacks Ukraine. Each such strike reduces the Russians' air superiority and significantly limits their aviation capabilities," informed sources noted.

What is known about the Marinovka airfield and the night attack

The Marinovka airfield is a military facility located near the village of Marinovka in the Volgograd region of Russia. It hosts Su-24MR reconnaissance aircraft and Su-24M bombers from the 11th Mixed Aviation Regiment of the 4th Mixed Aviation Division of the 4th Air and Air Defense Forces Command.

The Ukrainian military portal Defence Express has already noted that this is the only Russian airfield where the enemy has built aircraft shelters. It is located closer to Kazakhstan than to Ukraine.

Today, drones once again attacked Russian regions. The Russian Ministry of Defense has reported the alleged “downing” of 30 Ukrainian drones over the Volgograd region. Meanwhile, local authorities reported a UAV crash on the territory of a military facility, acknowledging that the attack did indeed occur near the village of Marinovka but did not provide details. Eyewitnesses, however, captured powerful fires and explosions in the video.

Moreover, NASA satellites showed three fire hotspots at the airfield. One is located on a site where aircraft may have been stationed, and another is in an area where fuel tanks are located.

Before this, an attack was carried out on the Russian airfield Savasleyka. According to the Head of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, Kyrylo Budanov, the strikes destroyed a MiG-31 and two Il-76 aircraft.

Additionally, Ukrainian drones attacked an airbase in the Rostov region and the Radio Technical Intelligence Center in Podolsk.