ua en ru

Air defense destroyed about 15 Shaheds that threatened Kyiv

Air defense destroyed about 15 Shaheds that threatened Kyiv Illustrative photo (Getty Images)

Approximately fifteen Russian strike drones that posed a threat to Kyiv were destroyed by air defense forces on the approaches to and within the capital during the night of September 28, according to the Kyiv Regional Military Administration (KRMA).

It was noted that this was already the tenth air attack on Kyiv since the beginning of September.

The Russian army again used strike drones, presumably of the Shahed type. They were launched from the southern and northeastern directions.

The loitering munitions began to approach Kyiv in several waves. The air alert in the capital lasted about three hours.

Preliminary reports indicated debris falling in the Obolon district of the capital, causing damage to a non-residential building. No information regarding casualties has been reported.

Operational data is being updated and clarified.

During the night, air alerts were declared twice in Kyiv and the surrounding region. Air defense systems were active on the approaches to the capital in the Kyiv region.

Alerts were also declared in several other regions, with explosions reported in Dnipro.