Absolute misunderstanding of the war: President's Office responds to claims of 'slow' counteroffensive

Ukrainian forces are successfully carrying out their tasks during the current phase of the full-scale war against Russia. All claims about alleged slow progress show a complete lack of understanding of the war, believes Advisor to the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Mykhailo Podolyak.
"Any statements that Ukraine is not advancing fast enough on the battlefield or returning not enough territory are not only a manifestation of the strange moral state of the authors but also a demonstration of absolute misunderstanding of the war and its stages," he wrote.
Podolyak notes that the task of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is not to organize large-scale battles for every settlement on the way to the borders of 1991, but to systematically destroy the capabilities of the enemy's army: its logistics, technical potential, officers, and personnel.
"And today, Ukrainian defenders cope with this task one hundred percent. And then everything will be as Ukraine needs it..." Podolyak wrote.
Counteroffensive by the Ukrainian Armed Forces
The issue of Ukraine's counteroffensive was actively discussed even before its initiation. Due to significant attention, some Western politicians and the media have already referred to the Ukrainian counteroffensive as "slow" or not as expected.
In response, the Ukrainian military-political leadership has repeatedly addressed such criticisms, stating that the counteroffensive is progressing according to plan.
Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Valerii Zaluzhnyi, noted that such comments bother him because "this is not a show, and every meter is gained with blood."
The United States National Security Council said that the Russians had been establishing multiple lines of defense on the occupied territory of Ukraine for many months. This has been slowing down the advancement of Ukrainian forces.