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9 habits that can help improve and extend life

9 habits that can help improve and extend life What habits can help improve life (photo: Freepik)

There is no such thing as perfection, so one should strive daily to improve their life. A nutritionist has identified nine daily habits that can significantly enhance your life within just two months, to the point where even your loved ones may not recognize you, according to Ukrainian nutritionist and therapist Olha Barova-Abduloeva.

List of beneficial habits

According to the expert, your life won’t change until you alter your daily habits.

The key to success lies in your daily rituals, and adopting beneficial habits can even extend your life.

"Become addicted to these habits and in two months you’ll be unrecognizable. The last habit is the most important," the nutritionist said.

Here are some habits to incorporate into your life:

  • wake up early and go to bed early;
  • eliminate harmful habits;
  • take a contrast shower daily;
  • spend 10 minutes a day in silence - meditate and spend time alone;
  • read for 15 minutes a day;
  • exercise 6 days a week, and walk for 1 hour each day;
  • write down your thoughts before bed;
  • optimize your diet with nutritious foods;
  • dedicate yourself to an additional activity.

Impact of exercise and nutrition

Regular physical activity can help reduce stress and anxiety.

It's important to note that even small amounts of physical activity are beneficial. However, avoid overloading yourself with exercises, as it can lead to exhaustion.

Nutrition affects not just physical health but also emotional well-being.

To feel better, minimize simple carbohydrates - foods high in sugar and starch - because they can cause a quick energy spike followed by a dip in mood.

Instead, opt for complex carbohydrates, such as vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. These are digested gradually and do not lead to sudden energy fluctuations.

Therefore, prioritize foods that positively impact your mood.

Benefits of alone time

You can visit your favorite restaurant, watch a movie, or embark on a dream trip.

Even if you’re highly social, spending time alone helps you reconnect with activities that truly make you happy.