7 signs that man planning to leave you

Sometimes a man starts to change and seems to distance himself from his partner. As it turns out, this may indicate not only that he's in a bad mood. Some signs may reveal that he simply fell out of love, according to Your Tango.
He communicates with you only when he wants to. When your communication starts only on his terms, seemingly "allowing" you to talk, or when he constantly looks for excuses to avoid talking on the phone with you – you're definitely not his priority. Such a partner prioritizes his own ego and doesn't want to invest himself in the relationship.
You never know where he is or what he's doing. If a man disappears for several days without explanation and gets angry when you start asking questions, he doesn't want to be connected to you. Someone who values and respects their partner won't hide or ignore them.
How to understand that a man no longer loves (photo: freepik.com)
He doesn't want to learn more about you. When conversations revolve only around superficial topics and he never inquires about your feelings, dreams, or memories, he's simply indifferent. Open discussions about important and personal matters are signs of genuine care. When that's missing, it's not about mutual feelings.
Intimacy takes precedence in the relationship. If a man only seeks physical intimacy from you, doesn't ask how you're doing, and solely talks about sex, it's a red flag. Maybe, he's no longer interested in you as a person, and therefore, he's just satisfying his desires until he finds a replacement.
He creates dramas. When a man consistently tries to evoke sympathy from you, complains about his "tough" life but doesn't want to support you – he's simply using you. The purpose of such behavior is straightforward – to emotionally hook you, making you forget any grievances and start rescuing him from the "harsh world."
How to understand that a man no longer loves (photo: freepik.com)
He competes with you. Sometimes, a man begins to compete with a woman. He compares incomes, statuses, and successes. And if he wants to have an advantage over you and doesn't get what he desires – it will eventually lead to the breakup of the relationship.
He sends you banal messages. If you notice that conversations have become dull and he only texts in the morning just to remind you of himself – the passion between you might be fading. Sometimes, he might just do it automatically to avoid confrontations. And it's hard not to notice this.
Also, recently it became known about three types of toxic men with whom happiness might not be possible.