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7 recommendations how to travel safely alone

7 recommendations how to travel safely alone How to be careful when traveling alone (photo:
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Traveling alone is an exciting way to discover new places, grow, and learn more about yourself. But with independence comes certain risks, so it's important to be attentive to safety issues.

RBC-Ukraine provides tips to help you stay safe and enjoy your trip.

Learn some basic information about local traditions and customs

Before traveling, it is important to familiarize yourself with local customs, culture, and rules of behavior. Some gestures or actions that seem familiar to you may not be acceptable in other countries.

Knowing the basic rules will help you avoid misunderstandings and create a positive impression of you among the locals. It will also help you better understand how to interact with people and adapt to a new culture.

Be careful with social media

You want to share incredible experiences with your friends in real-time, but you should be careful about posting your location. Do not post information about your exact location until you leave it. This will help avoid possible dangers and protect you from unwanted attention.

Plan your route and share it with your loved ones

Before you start traveling, it's important to make a clear plan, especially if you're traveling alone. Think in advance about where you will stay, and what places you will visit, and make copies of your reservations or tickets.

Share the details of your itinerary with family or friends. This will allow others to know where you are and react quickly in case of emergencies.

7 recommendations how to travel safely aloneYour loved ones need to know where you are (photo:

Choose reliable accommodation options

Finding a cozy and safe place to stay is one of the most important things for solo travelers. Pay attention to the reviews of other guests, the level of safety of the area, and the convenience of the location.

If you plan to stay in private apartments or hostels, choose those with good ratings and recommendations. Don't hesitate to check for additional services such as a safe or security.

Stay in touch

When traveling solo, it's important to stay in touch with loved ones. Make sure you have internet access or a local SIM card. Regularly inform your family about your location and condition.

Also, keep contact information for local emergency services and your country's embassy in case of emergency.

Avoid risky situations

Be careful when it comes to walking at night or visiting unfamiliar neighborhoods. If you want to explore the city in the evening, make sure you go to well-lit and crowded places.

It's also important to avoid staying in isolated areas without a plan of action or a way back. Always trust your instincts: if something seems suspicious or dangerous, it's best to avoid it.

7 recommendations how to travel safely aloneWhen traveling alone, there is no one to help you, so you need to be careful (photo:

Keep your documents and money safe

For solo travelers, it is very important to organize the storage of documents and money properly. Distribute money and cards in several different places, for example, leave some at the hotel and carry some with you.

Use belt bags or special secure wallets for documents. This way you can avoid problems in case of theft or loss.

Sources: Smart Traveller, Solo Travelling, Go Abroad websites.