6 vitamins for women's health: Cardiologist's recommendations

Every woman should take care of her health. Balanced nutrition is not enough and everyone needs vitamins and micronutrients in their daily diet, according to cardiologist Natalia Ivaniuk.
According to the doctor, a person's lifestyle directly affects the longevity of beauty and youthfulness.
She also listed a selection of vitamins that are mandatory for every woman.
Vitamin D3
It is necessary to choose a dosage of at least 2000 IU. The vitamin positively affects hair, skin, nails, libido, and mood.
This is one of the most important elements of health, especially for women.
Special attention to the level of this element should be paid to people at risk: pregnant and breastfeeding women, people with obesity, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and bone diseases.
Dosage should be at least 1000 mg. The cardiologist says that Omega-3 excellently affects the condition of hair, nails, nervous system, immune system, gallbladder function, and libido.
Omega-3 is beneficial for pregnant and breastfeeding women, as docosahexaenoic acid is the main fatty acid that makes up the retina of the eye.
Collagen is important for women's health and shows best results when used in combination with hyaluronic acid and vitamin C.
The benefit of collagen lies in maintaining the elasticity and moisturizing of the skin, preventing wrinkles. It also promotes the growth of new cells in the dermis (the middle layer of the skin).
Magnesium is your calmness, sleep, and stress resistance. The doctor noted that magnesium is always deficient in the body, so it is one of the most important components needed on a daily basis.
The average daily dose is 400 mg per day.
Lecithin is like building material (phospholipids) used by every cell in our body.
No phospholipids - no cell membrane repair. It also has a positive effect on the intestines.
Dosage - 3-5 g per day.
Probiotics are food products or supplements that may contain live microorganisms of a beneficial type. They are designed to support or improve the condition of "good" bacteria (normal microflora) in the body.
"The gut is the second brain, so it needs to be properly taken care of as well," added the cardiologist.
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